Locking Privileges in Oracle

What permissions do you need to lock rows on an Oracle table?
What about to lock the whole table?

It’s not quite as much as you may think!

Lets have a couple of users; schema_owner and user1

SQL> show user
SQL> create user schema_owner identified by schema_owner;
User created.
SQL> grant connect,resource to schema_owner;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant unlimited tablespace to schema_owner;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> create user user1 identified by user1;
User created.
SQL> grant create session to user1;
Grant succeeded.

Now for a table and grants

SQL> conn schema_owner/schema_owner
SQL> create table tab1 (col1 date, col2 number);
Table created.
SQL> insert into tab1 values (sysdate,1);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from tab1;
--------- ----------
14-JUL-15	   1
SQL> grant select on tab1 to user1;
Grant succeeded.

So, what can USER1 do with that table?

SQL> conn user1/user1
SQL> select * from schema_owner.tab1;
--------- ----------
14-JUL-15 1


SQL> update schema_owner.tab1 set col2=2 where col2=1;
update schema_owner.tab1 set col2=2 where col2=1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


SQL> insert into schema_owner.tab1 values (sysdate,2);
insert into schema_owner.tab1 values (sysdate,2)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


SQL> delete from schema_owner.tab1;
delete from schema_owner.tab1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


SQL> select * from schema_owner.tab1 for update;
COL1      COL2
--------- ----------
14-JUL-15          1


SQL> lock table schema_owner.tab1 in exclusive mode;
Table(s) Locked.

What?!? Is this real? Has that REALLY lock the entire table with only SELECT permissions? Can I delete from that table from a different session + user which has permissions?

SQL> show user
SQL> select * from schema_owner.tab1;
COL1      COL2
--------- ----------
14-JUL-15	   1
SQL> delete from schema_owner.tab1;
(no return....)

A quick look in gv$session will show you that USER1 is indeed blocking SCHEMA_OWNER despite only having SELECT privileges on the table:

select .... from gv$session;
------ --- --------------- ------------- -------- ---------- ------ ---------------------------
     3	47 USER1			 INACTIVE NO HOLDER  BLOCK  SQL*Net message from client
     3	55 SCHEMA_OWNER    5n1hw77std3h5 ACTIVE   VALID      47     enq: TM - contention

SQL> select * from dba_blockers
 2 ;

--------------- ------
47                   3

SQL> select * from dba_waiters;

--------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
 55                          3              47              3 DML                 Exclusive Row-X (SX) 96178 0

This is because of a side effect of an Oracle philosophy; “don’t do now what you may never need to do”. If Oracle can defer any actions from now, such as writing a dirty buffer to disk, or seeing if a session has permissions to perform an update when all you have done is request a lock, then it will, if possible, do it later.

You may request the lock so Oracle checks that you can access the object (SELECT), but you may never try to actually change the row, or table so it’s not necessary to see if you can modify the object…

This is a pretty problematic security hole; In Oracle 12c, a new table privilege has appeared: READ. If we re-run the above with GRANT READ instead of GRANT SELECT…

SQL> show user
SQL> select grantee,privilege from user_tab_privs where table_name = 'TAB1';
-------------------- ----------
USER1                READ
SQ> select * from schema_owner.tab1;
COL1      COL2
--------- ----------
14-JUL-15          1


SQ> select * from schema_owner.tab1 for update;
select * from schema_owner.tab1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

SQL> lock table schema_owner.tab1 in exclusive mode;
lock table schema_owner.tab1 in exclusive mode
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Thats better!

So the next time someone says “it’s only SELECT permissions”, it’s not. You might want to check out using READ.


Just a small Sunday night anecdote with a wider point. I, or maybe a colleague, recently received an update statement from a developer. Now, this developer is long of tooth and is well versed in the ways of Oracle data manipulation.

The aforementioned update statement contained an interesting hint. BYPASS_UJVC. You may not have heard of this hint. It’s not commonly used, although it’s been around since Oracle 8.1.5. Mainly because it is both undocumented and unsupported by Oracle. In the right hands, it’s a very neat way around a problem of doing an update through a join where you would otherwise be restricted by the potential of having transient keys (i.e. multiple updates via the join giving random results). There’s a bunch of other blogs around about how/why/not to use it so I won’t waffle on here.

However, the Dev was disappointed when we [the DBA’s] told him to, erm, rewrite his code (probably as a merge – tends to let you get round the same problem), given he has been using this hint for as long as it’s been around (a long time!) but as it’s NOT supported we wouldn’t allow it. I’m not about to update millions of rows in a multi-billion row database with an unsupported function unless I have a MAJOR problem.

The point of the story is, that evening, we met up for drinks with another Developer (Dev2) whom we have both known for a couple of decades. Dev says to Dev2 “DBA’s – they are never happy, going around being all DBA-ish and No-you-cant today”, and (unprompted) Dev2 says “BYPASS_UJVC?”

I like Developers – I used to be one – but the role of Developer and DBA should be symbiotic and not adversarial as it can become upon occasion. We should work together – all of the best system I have delivered have a great relationship between Dev and DBA – but don’t ask me to bend my database out of shape just so you can take a short cut. Talk about physicalities, data access, data life-cycle, volume and performance before a line of code has been written and we will all work much better together. If all parties feel they have some ownership with the system, there is a greater chance of success and joy.

Developers Killing Sessions

When you end up spending a far great a percentage of your day than seems sensible killing off Java connections that Developers have carelessly left lying around, locking objects all over the place, you need a solution to get them to go away. The solution is to let them do it themselves!

I’m not advocating granting ALTER SYSTEM to Developers! That way madness lies, or certainly some unintended consequences. I’m all for Dev’s having a lot of freedom in the database, just not freedom with the database.

So, creating a stored procedure (in this example as sys, but as any user with an explicit ALTER SYSTEM privilege granted will do) to kill sessions without allowing too much latitude to do anything else seems appropriate. Here’s one I built earlier:


create or replace procedure sys.kill_session 
 ( p_sid IN number, p_serial IN number, p_instance IN number) as
 -- Neil Chandler. Grant the ability to kill session on a restricted basis. 21.07.2010
 l_username varchar2(30) := null;
 l_priv number := 1;
 -- Who owns the session?
 select username into l_username
 from gv$session
 where sid = p_sid and serial#=p_serial and inst_id = p_instance;
 -- Check for DBA role
 select count(*) into l_priv
 from dba_role_privs
 where grantee = l_username and granted_role = 'DBA';
 -- If the user has the DBA priv, deny the kill request
 if l_priv > 0 or l_username is null
  ('User request to kill session '||p_sid||','||p_serial||',@'||p_instance||
   ' denied. Session is for privileged user '||l_username||'.');
   ('Killing user '||l_username||' - '||p_sid||','||p_serial||',@'||p_instance);
 execute immediate 'alter system disconnect session '''||
                   ''' immediate';
 end if;

-- and let the proc be seen and used
create or replace public synonym kill_session for sys.kill_session; 
grant execute on kill_session to (whomever);

Then a nifty bit of sql to generate the kill commands for the Developers. 
Please include your favourite columns from gv$session:

select username,status,blocking_session,
 'exec kill_session ('|| sid||','||serial#||','||inst_id||')' Kill_Command 
 from gv$session
where username is not null
  and type <> 'BACKGROUND'

--------- ------- ---------------- ------------------------------------ 
SYS       ACTIVE                   exec kill_session (31,65,1)
SYSTEM    INACTIVE                 exec kill_session (58,207,1)
USER_1    INACTIVE                 exec kill_session (59,404,1)
USER_2    INACTIVE                 exec kill_session (72,138,1)
USER_2    INACTIVE                 exec kill_session (46,99,2)

May the odds be forever in your favour. Let the killing commence…

Doing it properly?

When giving a presentation last year about how much a DBA should do to get to the bottom of a problem; in a discussion between Martin Widlake, myself, and the audience we amusingly concluded that we probably shouldn’t be doing things quite right first time.


What do I mean by this? Well, we should be doing things right-enough. We don’t want anything to fail. We want the project you are working on to succeed. BUT, where is the mileage in doing everything right first time? NOBODY got commended by their management for implementing a really efficient IOT in the original schema design over and above a Heap. How many people will ooh and aah, and give you a really big bonus, over than nifty single table hash cluster that makes the system just Zing? Or the really, really clever statistics design. Nobody ever notices when the implementation is just right.


That said, even when you have plenty of influence over the design, spend ages getting it right, ensuring all the right bits are partitioned in the right way, the right services on the more appropriate nodes, seriously exceed the required number of transaction per seconds as they gave you a much bigger set of servers and SAN resources than you asked for, and then the Developers go and use an ORM like Hibernate and mess the whole thing up:

– Can you just change the query to work like this…. No.
– You query appears to be mixing ANSI-standard SQL with Oracle-syntax SQL. Can you please be consistent as this isn’t a good idea… No.
– You want me to write a trigger to audit when a new record has a different value in a column because you don’t know how to write a join, and you have no idea what a Windowing function is in SQL. Oh, you don’t actually understand SQL at all!

Some days it’s just not worth chewing through the straps.

Oracle’s Locking Model – Multi Version Concurrency Control


SQL Developer insight

When using SQL Developer, there is a feature called Completion Insight which help you write SQL and PL/SQL in the SQL Worksheets. It will auto-pop helpful things, like object name when typing a SELECT statement, column names if it is aware of the object which you are accessing and things like that.

The pop-up seems to pop-up inconsistently, appearing when I don’t want it and not appearing when I do. I finally snapped and decided to work out (look up) exactly how this feature works. And it’s like this.

1. Make sure your SQL is correctly formed. If you have multiple bits of SQL in the Worksheet, and they are not terminated with a “;” or “/“, then it can get confused about where you are contextually within a statement and not pop-up.

2. The Auto-popup has a delay of either 0.3s (SQL) or 0.6s (PL/SQL). This can be changed in Tools -> Preferences -> Code Editor -> Completion Insight. I have now set a 1.0s delay so it’s not quite so eager to appear.

3. You want the pop-up to appear? Press CTRL + SPACE. If it still does not appear, then it cannot determine your SQL Context (see point 1) or there’s nothing to pop.

Hope this helps you. It’s certainly helped me.

Exposing the Oracle Alert Log to SQL

I’ve been spending some time working in Apex recently, building a small app to draw together the monitoring of application and infrastructure components into a single easy-to-visualise tool. As part of that, I wanted to be able to read and report on the alert log. Traditionally, that would have meant creating an external table to point to the alert log and reading it that way, with lots of string manipulation and regular expressions to try to pull out useful bits of information. However, Oracle 11G had made that a lot easier. Step forward X$DBGALERTEXT. This is the decoded version of the XML version of the Alert log, and as such provides lots of lovely columns to filter by, rather than a single line of text to decode. Particularly useful (for me) is the MESSAGE_LEVEL. Is this line of text informational (16), or critical (1), or something in between? Of course, each “normal” line of text is still available in the MESSAGE_TEXT column.

SQL> desc x$dbgalertext;
 Name                           Type
 ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------
 ADDR                           RAW(4)
 INDX                           NUMBER
 INST_ID                        NUMBER
 ORGANIZATION_ID                VARCHAR2(64)
 COMPONENT_ID                   VARCHAR2(64)
 HOST_ID                        VARCHAR2(64)
 HOST_ADDRESS                   VARCHAR2(46)
 MESSAGE_TYPE                   NUMBER
 MESSAGE_LEVEL                  NUMBER
 MESSAGE_ID                     VARCHAR2(64)
 MESSAGE_GROUP                  VARCHAR2(64)
 CLIENT_ID                      VARCHAR2(64)
 MODULE_ID                      VARCHAR2(64)
 PROCESS_ID                     VARCHAR2(32)
 THREAD_ID                      VARCHAR2(64)
 USER_ID                        VARCHAR2(64)
 INSTANCE_ID                    VARCHAR2(64)
 PROBLEM_KEY                    VARCHAR2(64)
 UPSTREAM_COMP_ID               VARCHAR2(100)
 VERSION                        NUMBER
 MESSAGE_TEXT                   VARCHAR2(2048)
 PARTITION                      NUMBER
 RECORD_ID                      NUMBER

Very handy. Just add your own view, synonym and permissions to read the view, and you’re away…

create view v_$alert_log as select * from x$dbgalertext;
create public synonym v$alert_log for sys.v_$alert_log;
grant select on v$alert_log to whomever...

  1* select message_text from v$alert_log where ...;

Shared memory segment for instance monitoring created
Picked latch-free SCN scheme 2
Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
SYS auditing is disabled
Starting up:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options.

Using parameter settings in server-side pfile /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/dbs/initorcl.ora
System parameters with non-default values:
  processes                = 200
  sessions                 = 322
  sga_max_size             = 2G
  pre_page_sga             = TRUE
  nls_language             = "ENGLISH"
  nls_territory            = "UNITED KINGDOM"
  filesystemio_options     = "SetAll"
  sga_target               = 2G
  control_files            = "/u02/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl"
  aq_tm_processes          = 1
  diagnostic_dest          = "/u20/apps/oracle"
PMON started with pid=2, OS id=2492
PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=2494
VKTM started with pid=4, OS id=2512 at elevated priority
VKTM running at (1)millisec precision with DBRM quantum (100)ms
GEN0 started with pid=5, OS id=2520
DIAG started with pid=6, OS id=2522


…or how to calculate dates in Oracle.

This is just a quick post to try to encourage the use of the INTERVAL function when adjusting (sys)timestamps (or dates). I thought this would be better expressed through a quick script with comments to show how using the traditional Oracle method of calculating fractions of a day can cause problems and make you have to think more than necessary.

There are 2 main issues with using the traditional Oracle method of calculating date/time changes. Firstly, it’s strange. You have to calculate fractions of a day. 1 second is 1/86400, 1 minute is 1/1440 [maybe 1/(24*60) expresses it better]. Secondly, with timestamps it causes an implicit conversion to a date type, with all of the unintended consequences that implicit conversion carries.

Lets run the script and see what happens:

Script Output

> -- Lets just set the date format explicitly before we start. > alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' session SET altered.
> -- Lets start simple and add a day. > select systimestamp, systimestamp + 1 from dual
SYSTIMESTAMP  SYSTIMESTAMP+1             ------------- ------------------------- 09-DEC-11 +00:00 10-DEC-2011 18:39:53  
> -- Hang on, doing this the traditional Oracle way has implicitly cast > -- the timestamp into a sysdate format. We need to convert it back. > -- Lets try that again, but add 3 hours instead > select systimestamp, to_timestamp( > systimestamp + (3/24), >      'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ) from dual
SYSTIMESTAMP  TO_TIMESTAMP(SYSTIMESTAMP+(3/24),'DD-MON-YYYYHH24:MI:SS') ------------- ------------------------- 09-DEC-11 +00:00 09-DEC-11
> -- So we have an implicit conversion, and we've lost the timestamp precision. > -- Now lets add 3 hours, 5 minutes 10.5 seconds. >select systimestamp, to_timestamp( > systimestamp + (3/24) + (5/(24*60)) + (10.5/24/60/60), > 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual
SYSTIMESTAMP  TO_TIMESTAMP(SYSTIMESTAMP+(3/24)+(5/(24*60))+(10.5/24/60/60),'DD-MON-YYYYHH24:MI:SS') ------------- ------------------------- 09-DEC-11 +00:00 09-DEC-11
> -- And we completely lost the .5 in the 10.5 as we've converted to a sysdate. > -- It was rounded up. You might also have noticed that I have used some > -- different date processing to calculate fractions of a day. > -- There are many different way to calculate time in Oracle: > -- 10 minutes can be 10/1440, 10/60/24, 10/(60*24), 0.00694, 600/86400 etc, > -- It's all tricky to understand and standards vary from company to company, > -- if the company actually has a standard. > -- There is a better way, using the INTERVAL function. It goes like this: > -- Lets start simple and add a day.
> select systimestamp, systimestamp + INTERVAL '1' day from dual
SYSTIMESTAMP  SYSTIMESTAMP+INTERVAL'1'DAY ------------- --------------------------- 09-DEC-11 +00:00 10-DEC-11 +00:00
> -- So far so good. And we haven't lost the data type either! > -- No implicit conversion to break our code in the future. > -- Now lets try to add 3 hours
> select systimestamp, systimestamp + INTERVAL '3' hour from dual
SYSTIMESTAMP  SYSTIMESTAMP+INTERVAL'3'HOUR ------------- ---------------------------- 09-DEC-11 +00:00 09-DEC-11 +00:00
> -- Note the indicator is always singular. > -- Now lets add 3 hours, 5 minutes 10.5 seconds
> select systimestamp, > systimestamp + INTERVAL '3' hour > + INTERVAL '5' minute >                    + INTERVAL '10.5' second >       from dual
SYSTIMESTAMP  SYSTIMESTAMP+INTERVAL'3'HOUR+INTERVAL'5'MINUTE+INTERVAL'10.5'SECOND ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 09-DEC-11 +00:00 09-DEC-11 +00:00                                 
> -- Spot on - and the precision is correct too > -- My mam/mum/mom* could read it and work out what was going on. > -- But she is an OCA** (* delete as applicable) (**not really) > -- There you go. Get your company to use this nomenclature and you're home free. > -- No more strange time-base calculations or implicit conversion errors. > -- It also works with DATE types too.

Original Script set echo on
-- Lets just set the date format explicitly before we start. alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'; -- Lets start simple and add a day. select systimestamp, systimestamp + 1 from dual; -- Hang on, doing this the traditional Oracle way has implicitly cast -- the timestamp into a sysdate format. We need to convert it back. -- Lets try that again, but add 3 hours instead select systimestamp, to_timestamp(        systimestamp + (3/24),                                    'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ) from dual; -- So we have an implicit conversion, and we've lost the timestamp precision. -- Now lets add 3 hours, 5 minutes 10.5 seconds. select systimestamp, to_timestamp(        systimestamp + (3/24) + (5/(24*60)) + (10.5/24/60/60),                                    'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual; -- And we completely lost the .5 in the 10.5 as we've converted to a sysdate. -- It was rounded up. You might also have noticed that I have used some -- different date processing to calculate fractions of a day. -- There are many different way to calculate time in Oracle: -- 10 minutes can be 10/1440, 10/60/24, 10/(60*24), 0.00694, 600/86400 etc, -- It's all tricky to understand and standards vary from company to company, -- if the company actually has a standard. -- There is a better way, using the INTERVAL function. It goes like this: -- Lets start simple and add a day. select systimestamp, systimestamp + INTERVAL '1' day from dual; -- So far so good. And we haven't lost the data type either! -- No implicit conversion to break our code in the future. -- Now let's try to add 3 hours select systimestamp, systimestamp + INTERVAL '3' hour from dual; -- Note the indicator is always singular. -- Now lets add 3 hours, 5 minutes 10.5 seconds select systimestamp, systimestamp + INTERVAL '3' hour                                   + INTERVAL '5' minute                                   + INTERVAL '10.5' second                      from dual; -- Spot on - and the precision is correct too -- My mam/mum/mom* could read it and work out what was going on. -- But she is an OCA** (* delete as applicable) (**not really) -- There you go. Get your company to use this nomenclature and you're home free. -- No more strange time-base calculations or implicit conversion errors. -- It also works with DATE types too.

Implicit Conversion Errors

A while ago, I failed over a database (as planned) to it’s Dataguard copy, and of course everything worked as expected. Everything, that is, except a couple of reports which get sent directly from the database server early in the morning. The report generation had failed. After some investigation, we discovered that the newly active Dataguard server did not have NLS_DATE_FORMAT set in the environment, and the 2 reports in question were coded something like:

select col1, col2, col3 from user_data where user_date >= '25-Nov-2011 00:00:00';

The select was failing with the error.
ORA-01821: date format not recognized

If the developer had coded an explicit conversion, then we would not have experienced a problem.

select col1, col2, col3 from user_data
where user_date >= to_date('25-Nov-2011 00:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS');

Coding with an implicit date mask is great and works successfully every time, as long as the NLS_DATE_FORMAT in your session matches the date mask you have supplied, which is course it always does. Until something changes and it doesn’t. In my experience, implicit conversion is probably the single greatest source of failure in systems and also one of the hardest to track down. It frequently occurs in a badly designed schema which doesn’t use the correct datatypes. I have seen schemas where everything is being stored a VARCHAR2, including numeric fields. This works fine as Oracle will happily insert implicit to_number functions into your code and return answers in ways which seem correct, until you get some rogue data into the database and everything falls apart.

USER1 @ orcl > -- Create a table but allow generic data, rather than specifying numeric data
USER1 @ orcl > -- The client will take care of validation. Of course it will.
USER1 @ orcl > create table implicit_problem (col1 varchar2(10), col2 varchar2(10));

Table created.

USER1 @ orcl >
USER1 @ orcl > -- Lets fill the table with reasonable data
USER1 @ orcl > insert into implicit_problem values (1,1);

1 row created.

USER1 @ orcl > insert into implicit_problem values (2,10);

1 row created.

USER1 @ orcl > insert into implicit_problem values (3,66);

1 row created.

USER1 @ orcl >
USER1 @ orcl > -- Oracle is putting an implicit to_number around col1*col2 to allow the calculation
USER1 @ orcl > select col1,col2,col1*col2 from implicit_problem;

COL1       COL2        COL1*COL2
---------- ---------- ----------
1          1                   1
2          10                 20
3          66                198

USER1 @ orcl >
USER1 @ orcl > -- And now lets have some incorrectly validated data
USER1 @ orcl > insert into implicit_problem values (4,'A');

1 row created.

USER1 @ orcl >
USER1 @ orcl >
USER1 @ orcl > -- And now the implicit conversion fails
USER1 @ orcl > select col1,col2,col1*col2 from implicit_problem;
ORA-01722: invalid number

no rows selected

USER1 @ orcl >
USER1 @ orcl > -- Cleanup
USER1 @ orcl > drop table implicit_problem;

Table dropped.

It’s much easier (and quicker) to catch bad data going into a system than it is to perform problem resolution. Always code explicitly for your data types. Implicit conversion in yuor coding invariably leads to hard-to-find bugs.